Monthly Club Meeting
The next meeting will be on Thursday 19th September.
This will be the AGM so please if you have any views on the direction of the club, want to be more involved, fancy taking on one of the committee roles etc then come along.
At The Duke of Cumberland Barham - start time 7:30.
Why not just come along for a bit of chat and a pint and see what the committee get up to?
Hope to see some new faces appear soon

Barham Charity Trial
Almost here, the regs are available on the ACU website, The date: 28th July
The place: Wingmore CT4 6LT
The time: 10:30 start
Let's see if we can beat the £600 we raised last year for the Pilgrims Hospice!
The Barham Club Practice and B-B-Q
After the success of last years event we're holding the event on Saturday 14th September. NOTE - It is open to Barham Members only. Will be held at Howfield Lane. Further details will be available shortly.
14th April 2024
Barham Combine Trial
Well what do you know - it was dry and sunny! A great entry, all hopefully enjoyed the day.
A varied range of sections hopefully challenged many. As a spectator Section 12's final tree seemed to catch a few out!

So I finally manged to get that new camera and this was the first time out and what do you know the pics came out okay!

There's also some more images on the Gallery page under the Phil Hughes Trial

Thanks as always to all the observers, land owners and club members that set up the course.
Barham Combine Trial 14th April
Road Ride out
So a bit of a disappointing turnout on the day - some unable to make the ride who had planned to do so due to personal circumstances - but those that did make it enjoyed a pleasant ride around the roads and ended up with fish & chips on Ramsgate sea front. Lets hope if another is organised in the future more members can make it!

Lord of Lydden
Held over 21st and 22nd October it pretty much is the last big road race meeting in the South East and never fails to throw up some great racing. Sunday saw a deluge of rain first thing but then weather improved, the track dried out and some great racing in all classes from FAB 50/70cc youth, scooters, classic sidecars plus the usual solo and sidecar classes made a great day out. Shame I couldn't find a programme to put some names to pictures but maybe next time.

Fancy a good read?

We all like a good read don't we? But what to read? Well we have a whole range of books available from Biographies to Encyclopedias. All (well most!) are based on bikes or cars. They are all used but in good condition. 

Click on the book icon below to see what there is and if you fancy one just e-mail with what you'd pay and which book of course, if it's reasonable then the book will be yours. Remember though that we will need to charge postage on any that we post out, but you can always arrange to pick up at the monthly club meeting.

How much do you want to offer - well that's up to you, but the books in Group C are that bit rarer so we will reserve the right to turn down silly offers!!

The good bit is that 50% of the proceeds of any sale will come to the club while the other 50% will go to a Dementia charity.

So what are you waiting for

Frittenden Flyer
Held at the Sandhurst Bridge Farm, Frittenden Sept 25th
A great days racing on the Sunday with Barham members Dave Mears and Derrick Keyes flying the flag in the 350 and upright classes respectively. Weather was kind and a good crowd enjoyed some good action. If you haven't been to grasstrack before - it's fast and it's furious and how many events can you go to where you get 50 races in a single afternoon!
Dave Mears (19) leads Paul Hurry (86)
Dave Mears (19) cuts past Luke Clifton(51) chasing
Charley Powell (92) on his way to a convincing heat victory
Bob Dolman (16) takes a tighter line in the search for grip out of th corner
Derrick Keyes (147) chasing down No 26 James Theobald
Derrick Keyes fighting through the dirt storm!
No 1 squares off the corner in front of Andrew Minard & passenger(19) and Darren Morris & passenger (4)
Danny Hill & passenger (124) lead the pack out of the corner
Marrianne Walford and Barbara Springall showing that the sport isn't just for the boys!
And now for something completely different!
These days we're all use to having our digital cameras and smartphones, able to take super sharp images and videos at the drop of a hat but in the days before the smartphone it was a little different to say the least!
The following vid is courtesy of Paul Bonner-Williams and he says "Hi info on video 1st part is Kent and Sussex MCC barbecue fun trial with Barry Burns Mick Bridger etc 2nd is arena trial in Tonbridge think there was a young Jarvis and Lampkin there last is just club trial few memories for the old stags" Enjoy.
Membership rates for 2024

£5.00 for an email copy of the Newsletter
(please make sure that you let us know your current email address)

£20.00 for posted copy of the newsletter (this increase is due to the rise in postage and also in producing the newsletter)

We have stopped sending sending out the TSM due to the costs involved. If you would like the TSM these can be ordered direct from the printer, the details are on the last inside page of the TSM and the cost is £25.00 for 12 issues posted directly to your door

The TSM is also available as a digital version and 12 issues will cost £21.00
A single current issue costs £1.80 and  back issues are normally £1.00

For the digital version please visit  https

If there are any issues with the new Membership or the TSM please let us know at

There is a new link for renewing your Barham Club Membership and then you can apply for 2024 licences the link is below

The Cheapest and best option is Full Membership with Email Newsletter (£5.00) -PREFERRED CHOICE
Please check when selecting as the preferred choice is not always at the top of the list

If you have children under 16 they still receive free membership so once the parent or guardian has renewed their membership could you let Mark Ridge know and we will sort out the free membership
Dates for your diary
Trials dates for the South East can be found on their website then click on the Calendar Tab

17th December Sittingbourne and District – North and East Combine
Winterbourne Quarry, Winterbourne, Dunkirk, FAVERSHAM, Kent, ME13 9PH online entry at

21st Jan 2024 Sidcup - Sixty Trial Adult & Youth South East Centre Championship
Opens 19:00 on 1st December online entry at

14th January 2024 Bexleyheath & DMCC Kent Trials Combine Start 10.00 Pease Hill, New Ash Green, Kent, TN15 7HD
online entry at
Copyright Barham Motorcycle Club 2020